Add the site structure
Site markup
A site is an object in the Adfox system where campaigns are placed. There are sections with a set of placements in the site. In Adfox terminology, for example, is a site.
A site section is part of a site that's logically distinct in terms of topic, method of selling banner placements, subdomain, or any other characteristic. For example, a site may have the following sections: Home, News, and About. You can usually distinguish site sections by the URL mask.
Sections allow you to select different sets of placements on pages of the same site and serve different campaigns.
Placements are banner placements on a site page. A placement is determined by banner type and position.
Add a site, section, and placement
If you plan to place ads on a site under a contract with an advertiser or agency to display ads in Russia and transfer data about these ad impressions to the Russian state register through the Yandex advertising data operator, then before adding the site, enter information about the contractor (site owner) in the Marking tab. For more information, see Transferring data to the Yandex advertising data operator and getting a token.
Add a site
Go to the Sites tab in the main menu.
Click + Add and specify the parameters of the new site.
If necessary, enable the Transfer the site to the ERIR option and fill in the fields under Marking:
- Name: Name of the site to be added to the ad register.
- URL: Site or video resource domain, blog URL, or URL for downloading an app.
- Placement type: Site, app, or information system.
- Contractor: Select a contractor (site owner) from those you added earlier in the Marking tab.
Save the site.
Add a section
Sections are created based on the placement logic:
- If ads are sold with placement on the entire site, you can create just one section: All pages.
- If you need to place ads on certain site pages, we recommend that you add multiple sections based on the site structure, for example: Home, News, and Cars.
It's best to add placements after creating all the sections. If you want to use the same placements in different sections, you don't have to create them manually. You can create one, and then use the copy function.
On the Sites tab, find the relevant site and click
Specify the new section parameters:
Dynamic definition by REFERER.
For ad tags received from the site level, sections with the Dynamic definition by REFERER option disabled are excluded from the search for a suitable URL mask.
Allowed page URLs: Specify the page URL masks according to your selected template type that determine whether the site pages belong to this section.
You can't specify the same page templates for different site sections.
Excluded page URLs: Specify the page templates that don't belong to this section.
To check whether you set up the page templates correctly
1. Copy the URL of the site page that you want to check.
2. In the Adfox interface, go to the Sites tab and select the site where you want to check the section templates.
3. On the Sections tab, insert the site page URL in the URL by template box and click Find.
The system shows the section where the site page URL currently belongs according to the available page templates.
Add a placement
Once the section is created, the placement adding tab opens. If you need to open the tab for a previously created section, click
Specify the placement parameters:
Name: Enter the placement name.
Category: Specify a permanent category for collecting statistics on impressions in certain theme categories on the site.
Banner type: Determines the placement type to be added. Only the banners that you add with the same banner type are displayed on this placement.
Code type: Use this setting to allow serving particular campaign types on this placement. Acceptable values:
- From request URL (by default): The code type is determined by the parameter value that's obtained from the URL of the banner request. If the value isn't passed in the request, the placement is considered to have the regular code type by default.
- Regular: Banners from all campaigns are allowed for serving, except for campaigns of the “session on page” type. If multiple ad tags are installed on a site page for this placement, that page may have duplicate banners and campaigns.
- Unrepeatable banners: Multiple ad tags are installed on the site page for this placement. According to their requests, several different banners are selected for serving, except for campaigns of the “session on page” type.
- Session on page: Banners from campaigns marked as “session on page” are allowed for serving (they have priority over regular campaigns). If there are no session campaigns to be served, a regular campaign is selected.
- Unrepeatable campaigns: Several ad tags are installed on the site page for this placement. According to their requests, one banner per campaign is selected, except for campaigns of the “session on page” type.
Position: Determines the logical position of the placement on the section pages. If you add multiple placements with the same banner type to one section, use a unique position for each placement (this means that you can't add two placements with the same Banner type and Position parameters in one section).
After saving the placement, you can't change the Position parameter.
Number of impressions per period: How many banner impressions are made on this placement for a unique user.
Impression frequency period. Acceptable values:
- from request URL (by default): The impression limit settings from the banner request's URL parameters are used. If no values are passed in the request, the placement is considered to have no restrictions.
- no limits: Banner impressions on this placement aren't limited even if the request parameters specify otherwise.
- 1 hour/6 hours/12 hours/24 hours: The limit is valid for 1/6/12/24 hours after the banner is first served to a unique user.
- other: You can set your own time period for the impression limit in minutes.
Other period (minutes): You can set your own time period for the impression limit in minutes.
Click Add.
Add placements for a site with an adaptive layout
A site with an adaptive layout is a site that has a stable HTML layout, and CSS styles help display it in different screen resolutions. An adaptive layout makes the site easy to view on various devices: mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.
Adfox supports three layout options: for mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.
The set of ad placements on each version may differ, for example:
- For phones: A stretching banner.
- For tablets: A stretching banner and a 100 × 100 banner.
- For desktops: A stretching banner and a 240 × 400 banner.
In this case, you need to create your own nondimensional banner types for each layout version in the Adfox interface. Then, create a site and sections and add 5 placements to each section (a stretching banner for the phone, a stretching banner for the tablet, a stretching banner for the desktop, a 100 × 100 banner for the tablet, and a 240 × 400 banner for the desktop).
Next, get 5 ad tags with the “adaptive” code type.
Every ad tag only requests a banner in the layout version that allows it.