Dynamic monetization

Dynamic monetization (DM) lets the site owner use additional features in their Adfox account:

  • Automatic prediction of Google bids.
  • Ad block visibility measurement.
  • Forecast of possible traffic losses.
  • Advanced features of Yandex Header Bidding.
  • CPC in Dynamic Monetization.
  • Video and in-app (mobile mediation).

In all campaigns at level 11 of “Dynamic monetization”, the CPM value must be set as eCPM (effective cost per mille).


In DM, the server takes into account all the necessary CPM correction factors for level 11 campaigns. If you measure viewability and/or other factors when setting the CPM value for campaigns in Dynamic monetization, we recommend that you ignore these factors when switching to DM. All the correction factors necessary to generate maximum possible revenues are already included in the DM functionality.


  1. Statistics by sample ID in the Partner Interface are not provided in full in DM. Use the external monetization report in Adfox.

  2. Yandex Advertising Network system campaigns of the “Dynamic monetization” type are available on the Monetization → Summary tab. You can't change their type.

Reports are available on the Reports tab and specified in the list of available reports in the Monetization group.

Connecting Google with automatic prediction of bids

In DM, you can connect an external Google monetizer (ADX or DFP) with automatic prediction of bids.


  1. DM does not support the following:

    • Measuring campaigns.
    • Session campaigns.
  2. On placements where there is a campaign with an external Google monetizer set in DM, it is not recommended to use:

    • Session campaigns.
    • Campaigns with the industry specified to distinguish them from other campaigns.
    • Campaigns with sequential impressions.
    • Set the unrepeatable banners or campaigns type for placements.
  1. Go to the Monetization → External monetization settings → Google → Presets tab and click Add. A preset is a set of Google ADX or Google DFP Slot IDs, for each of which the CPM threshold is set in the Google interface.

    For each slot in the Adfox preset, specify the same CPM value as in Google, which this slot will use to participate in the auction.

    You may have no more than 100 presets in your account with no more than 1000 lines/slots in each preset.

  2. Select a template:

    1. Specify the preset parameters:

      • Set name: An arbitrary name for a set of slot settings.

      • Size: Specify the width and height of a banner placement in pixels as an integer without specifying its dimensions.

      • Customer_id: Specify your Google account ID with the ca-pub- prefix.

      • Maximum number of re-requests : The maximum possible number of Google code downloads with a new slot per page. Recommended value: 1.

      • Currency: Specify the currency that the CPM thresholds will be set in. You can choose RUB, USD, EUR, and others.


        The currency that you use to set the thresholds is not the currency of your payments. You can find out about the payments of other monetizers included in dynamic monetization from the reference materials of third-party advertising systems.

    2. Add slots in one of the following ways:

      • Manually: Click Add, fill out the form, and then click Save.

      • In CSV format: Click Download CSV example to get a CSV file template, fill in its fields, save the file, and upload it to the Adfox interface by clicking Upload CSV → Save.

      If you need to add more slots to the list, first save the CSV file, add new values to it, and then upload it to Adfox.

      If the ID of the saved slot and the ID from the uploaded CSV file match, a new value from the CSV file is applied to the slot.

    3. Fill in the fields:

      • id: Specify any value that is unique within the file. We recommend using an increment of 1 up to the number of slots.

      • Tag ID (the Slot column in the CSV file): The slot ID from the Google interfaces.

      • Bid Floor CPM (the CPM column in the CSV file): The CPM value from Google.

      • Real eCPM (The real_cost column in the CSV file): The CPM value that takes into account the block's viewability.

    1. Set the preset parameters:

      • Set name: An arbitrary name for a set of slot settings.

      • Size: Specify the width and height of a banner placement.

      • Targeting variable name: Since the CPM value in DFP is set via user targeting, create a Key Value in DFP and specify the name of this Key Value in this field.

      • Ad Unit: The DFP Ad Unit ID.

      • Maximum number of re-requests : The maximum possible number of Google code downloads with a new slot per page. Recommended value: 1.

      • Currency: Specify the currency that the CPM thresholds will be set in. You can choose RUB, USD, EUR, and others.


        The currency that you use to set the thresholds is not the currency of your payments. You can find out about the payments of other monetizers included in dynamic monetization from the reference materials of third-party advertising systems.

    2. Add slots in one of the following ways:

      • Manually: Click Add, fill out the form, and then click Save.

      • In CSV format: Click Download CSV example to get a CSV file template, fill in its fields, save the file, and upload it to the Adfox interface by clicking Upload CSV → Save.

      If you need to add more slots to the list, first save the CSV file, add new values to it, and then upload it to Adfox.

      If the ID of the saved slot and the ID from the uploaded CSV file match, a new value from the CSV file is applied to the slot.

    3. Fill in the fields:

      • ID: Specify any value that is unique within the file. We recommend using an increment of 1 up to the number of slots.

      • Targeting variable value (the targeting_value column in the CSV file): The Key Value that the corresponding CPM is set for.

      • targeting_value (the CMP column in the CSV file): The CPM value from Google.

      • Real eCPM (The real_cost column in the CSV file): The CPM value that takes into account the block's viewability.

  3. Linking a preset to a placement:

    Go to the Monetization → Display Advertising → Placement tab where, in addition to the standard configuration of Yandex Advertising Network blocks, you can link presets to placements.

    You can link a preset to all placements with a certain type of banner/placement within a site or to individual sections.


    When linking a preset to a placement, a campaign with the Google monetizer is automatically added to the interface and the necessary banners are created. Therefore, you don't need to add a campaign and banners manually.

  4. In the Google interface, we recommend adding a passback tag to return to selecting campaigns in Adfox.

    A passback tag that allows returning to Adfox campaign selection

    If you didn't select the banner to serve, you can return the selection of campaigns in Adfox to the dynamic monetization level, but it won't take into account the campaign with the Google monetizer.

    Set the following URL as backup ads:


    Add the following code to ads:

        (function() {
            var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body,
            s = document.createElement('script');
            s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
            s.setAttribute('src', 'https://yastatic.net/pcode/adfox/adfox-adx-stub.js');

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