Banner Promo


Banner Promo is a large animated Text & image banner that can display an image carousel, videos, links to sites, product prices, and special offers. Animation and auto change of elements help attract attention and let you use more extensions per ad.

Banners are built using a pre-designed set of the following elements:

  • Required:

    • Header
    • Media (image or video)
    • Action button
  • Optional:

    • Description
    • Price and old price
    • Sitelinks
    • Promo

For action buttons, promos, and sitelinks, you can specify custom URLs to redirect users straight to the pages you want them on.

Banners adapt to the placement size, fitting into the width and height of the container, meaning you can place them both horizontally and vertically. Optional elements can be hidden if the container size doesn't allow rendering them. For example, if you specify the price, old price, and sitelinks, these elements will switch to show as animation.

Media elements in a banner are displayed based on their priority. This means that you can simultaneously upload an image (a single one or a carousel of two images) and a video, but the banner will only show one element. Videos have the first priority, image carousels second, and single images third.

Sample banner


The domain and favicon of a banner are rendered only if you've added the domain in the banner parameters under Advertising label → Domain. Adding the protocol is optional. The favicon is taken from the advertiser's site automatically, you don't have to upload it manually.

Requirements for images and videos

  • Acceptable formats: JPEG, JPG, WEBP, PNG, and GIF.

  • The maximum size of a single file is 300 KB.




Recommended format


Frame rate

no more than 60 frames per second

Number of video tracks


Audio codecs

AAC, MP3, Vorbis

Number of audio tracks

no more than 1

Minimum resolution (optional)

1280 × 720 pixels

The maximum size of the video clip
to be uploaded to the Adfox interface

100 MB

Adding a banner to Adfox


You can add a Banner Promo as a separate banner or as part of a carousel.

To add a Banner Promo to a carousel:

  • Create a master campaign with the Carousel profile.
  • Select the Banner Promo Slide [context] template for the Banner Promo.
  • Put the Banner Promo and the carousel on the same placement.

Sample Banner Promo in a carousel

To add a separate banner to Adfox, select the desired banner type and the Banner Promo [context] template.

Set the banner parameters:

  1. Banner height: The banner container height in pixels. The minimum height is 50 pixels.

  2. Banner width: The banner container width in pixels. If you're going to serve your banner in a carousel, limit the width to 699 pixels for correct rendering.

  3. Header: The ad's title, 56 characters max, including spaces and punctuation marks. A single word cannot exceed 22 characters.

  4. Description (ad text): The description of the advertised product or service, no more than 81 characters and 15 punctuation marks. A single word cannot exceed 23 characters. The ad text might be truncated depending on the placement.

  5. Image: The image of the advertised product or service. If you're going to serve a video, upload an image that will be used as its thumbnail.

    Maximum number of images: 2. If you add two images, they will be served as a carousel. We recommend uploading images with the same size and aspect ratio.

  6. Image width: The width of the image in pixels.

  7. Image height: The height of the image in pixels.

  8. Video: The loop video to be played in the image placement. If you add both a video and an image, the video will be served first.

  9. Video width: The width of the video in pixels. If you're not uploading a video, leave the field blank.

  10. Video height: The height of the video in pixels. If you're not uploading a video, leave the field blank.

  11. Video type: Video, mp4. If you're not uploading a video, leave the field blank.

  12. Action button: The name of the action button, up to 20 characters long. The button complements the ad with a link, catching the eye and encouraging users to interact with your ad.

  13. Transition URL: The link that opens when a user clicks on the media elements (image or video), header, description, and action button.

  14. Price: The product or service price current as of placement.

  15. Old price: The price before discount.

    If you specify both the Price and Old price, the discount percentage is calculated automatically. The old price and the discount may be hidden if the banner size prevents them from being rendered.

  16. Currency: The currency for the Price, Old price, and discount in RUB, USD, and EUR format. The banner will show the respective currency symbol (₽, $, €). The default format is RUB.

  17. Sitelink (section name): A short path to important information on your site. Sitelinks let users get to the desired page right away.

    You can provide up to three sitelinks with unique click-through URLs. A description of each link can be up to 60 characters long.

    If the banner orientation is vertical, links are rendered as a list. Each link uses its own click-through URL. If the orientation is horizontal, a common URL (the one added for the first link) is used for all links.

  18. Sitelink (transition URL): The URL of the page that opens when the user clicks the sitelink.

  19. Promo: A brief description of the promo, 3 to 45 characters long. The description will have a special label or background.

  20. Promo (transition URL): The URL of the page that opens when the user clicks the promo.

  21. Setting up an ad tag:

    • In the Ad label list, select Ad or Social ad, and the label will be added to the banner. If the creative's design already includes the label, you can keep “Disabled” in the drop-down list.


      Adding the “Social ad” label doesn't automatically define the creative content as social ad. To label creative content as a social advertisement in the state register, select Social ads contract for the corresponding contract with the end advertiser.

    • In the Domain field, specify the advertiser domain, and it will be added to the label: “Ad |” or “Social ad |” (only if you select Ad or Social ad in the drop-down list).

  22. To add a token to a non-clickable banner, enable the Show banner menu option in the banner settings. When the banner is served, the menu icon  will be displayed in the upper right corner of it. When a user clicks this icon, the advertiser information and the copy token button appear (if ad register is enabled for the banner and a third-party token is specified).

    The banner menu contains a link to the rules for using recommendation technologies. That is necessary to comply with paragraph 3, section 1, article 10.2-2 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ On information, information technologies, and information protection", dated July 27, 2006.


    If a banner is non-clickable (the Transition URL field is not filled in) and it is to be added to the ad register, be sure to show the banner menu. This is the only way to make the token available when serving the banner.

  23. Advertising labeling: The section is only available if the Submit data to state register procedure is selected in the campaign settings. Fill in the fields in this section to register the creative in the Yandex advertising data operator. The creative is assigned a token automatically.


Click events for the Sitelink (transition URL) and Promo fields are counted automatically. Event statistics are available in the By events report.

To add tags of third-party systems, specify links to them in the Events tab in the banner settings.

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