Backup ad

A backup ad (placeholder) is the code that's displayed if there are no banners to display from commercial campaigns. It's used if:

  1. There are no active campaigns.
  2. Limits or targeting prohibit banner impressions to this user (for example, if restrictions on unique impressions or geography are triggered).

Unfilled ad response: The backup ad display.

By default, the backup ad performs informative as well as other functions, for example, monetization of unsold traffic. The banner may be an image, HTML code, or JavaScript code.

You can add backup ad:

  1. For the placement (if the backup ad isn't set, it's selected based on the banner type).
  2. For the banner type (if the backup ad isn't set, the server returns the system placeholder code in response to the request, which doesn't affect site display).

The sequence of selecting an ad for display

Add a backup ad

  1. To add a backup ad to the placement, go to Sites → Your site → Sections → Placements and click Backup Ad.

    To add a backup ad to the banner type, go to Settings → Banner types and click Backup Ad.

  2. Select the method for adding the backup ad:

    • File: Upload an image (in JPG, PNG, or GIF format) and enter the click link in the Click URL box.
    • Code: HTML or JavaScript code (or XML code for sites with XML banner types), including the ad tag from third-party ad management systems. For detailed instructions on inserting the code, see the section for a specific banner type.

Backup ad for nondimensional banner types

When using nondimensional banner types, the ad tag doesn't take up space on the site page, so you can place differently sized banners on the same placement (if the site layout allows this). For example, if a 600 × 90 placement uses the 600 × 90 nondimensional banner type, there are no suitable banners to display, and the backup ad isn't set, the response from the Adfox server has code 204 in the JSON errors object. The placement size doesn't change and the site layout isn't affected.

Codes of third-party systems (except adfox and adrime codes) that go outside the placement (for example, FullScreen, Screenglide/Expandable) aren't accepted for placement.

To add a backup ad with the Adfox code, use the code generator. Select the code type that you place in the backup ad. If necessary, add tracking pixels. Copy the code and paste it in the Code box with the JavaScript type.

Backup ads for XML banner types

For an XML banner type, only XML code can be added as the backup ad.

If there are no suitable banners to display and the backup ad isn't set, the system placeholder code loads:

<?xml version="1.0"?><nobanner></nobanner>

Backup ad for video ads

To add a backup ad for VAST player ads, you need an ad request link.

Put this link in square brackets in the VASTAdTagURI block:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VAST version="2.0">
    <Ad id="%placeId%">

If you need to pass additional parameters to the request code forwarded, use macros:

  • For values of user characteristics: puidN with the %userValueN% value, where N is the characteristic number. For example, &puid1=%userValue1%
  • to send a referer: dl with the %referrerEncoded% value. For example, &dl=%referrerEncoded%

Copy the code and install it in the XML code of the placement's backup ad and/or banner type.

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