Banner list

You can find all the banners used in your ad campaign in the Banners tab.

In the list of banners, you can:

To find a specific banner, enter its name or ID in the search bar.

To see the banners with specific parameters, click Filters and select the values you need. To see the full list again, click Resert Filters.

Viewing information about a banner

In the list, you can find the following information about a banner:

  • Banners: Banner name.
  • ID: Banner ID.
  • Banner type: Banner type.
  • Status / Priority: Banner's display status and impression priority.
  • Impressions: Number of banner impressions (total, day).
  • Clicks: Number of banner clicks (total, day).
  • CTR: Percentage ratio of the number of clicks that landed on the advertiser's site to the number of impressions (total, day).
  • Impressions limits, Clicks limits: Maximum number of banner impressions and clicks (total, day, hour).
  • Marker type: Information about banner labeling.
  • Token: Token of the ad creative. If labeling information is not transmitted, this field is blank.
  • Ad Label / Banner menu: Information about the ad label and presence of the banner menu.
  • Start / Complete: Date and time of when the banner starts and stops running.
  • Added: Date when the banner was added to the campaign.

To view only the information that you need, use the option  Column Settings:

  • To hide a column, click to the right of its name.
  • To move a column, click and hold to the left of its name and drag the column where you need it.
  • To unhide a column, click Add at the bottom of the window and select its name.

In the list of banners, you can also view their thumbnails by enabling the Preview option.

Editing banner parameters

You can access banner settings from the list: click quick links under the banner name or open the menu to the right of the banner. The following settings are available:

  • Summary: General settings, information about banner placement and targeting.
  • Placement: Settings of placements where the banner is served.
  • Aiming: Testing the banner on the placements of sites where it's served, not taking targetings and restrictions into account.
  • Targeting: Targeting settings for the banner.
  • Report: Creating and viewing banner reports.
  • Events: Viewing banner events.

To open the full settings of a banner, click its name.

You can also edit some settings right in the banner list, such as change their status or priority, impression start and end date, set the limits of impressions and clicks. To do this, select the column you need, change the parameter value, and click Save.

Creating a banner

To create a new banner, click Create at the top of the list.

To learn more about creating different banner formats, see Banner requirements.

Copying a banner

To copy a banner to an ad campaign, click  → Copy next to the banner.

To learn more, see Copy a banner.

Deleting a banner

To delete a banner, click  → Delete to the right of its name.

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